Whoever asks, receives an answer
Where we start from − insights, that have proven their validity as a model of understanding
- All is connected with All and Everything − like the cells in your body.
- All is connected with All and contained in All.
- All is energy. That's why nothing can get lost. It only changes its form and its place in the overall structure.
- That's how we get back to quite some ancient wisdom: »as above − so below.« And vice versa. The inner side of the most inner space opens up to the cosmos/all. And when everything disappears, all is born out of the nothing.
- Because we are part of the earth, all is identifiable in our body, what concerns the life of the body Earth.
- What is valid for the human body is valid for the total of all: the program of the body can be found in every cell. In me is everything that exists. And this information can be read and identified − provided I understand the code.
- The distinction between the individual and the environment is completely artificial. All that I am doing to others, I am doing to myself in turn. And nothing happens that does not happen to me at the same time.
- The distinction between body and soul is artificial. The body is soul. Or you can express it in a different way: the body is the expression of our soul, that we can perceive through our five senses.
- What we call life is the energy flow in constantly changing forms − like the dance of the flames over the fire, like the playing of the waves above the deepness of the sea, like the growing up, sinking back and renewed growing up of life out of the earth.
- What we call body is the passing play form of an energy-ensemble within the energy-system of the earth. Evidently this energy form could take another playing form − but now and here we are part of this earth. Whoever amputates/cuts himself off from the earth, amputates himself from life.
- What we consider »health«, is the undisturbed energy flow in our body − and whatever blocks this flow, makes us sick. And this is always the sickness of the soul, that I am.
- So we need to move away the blockages? This is as much a meaningless task, as it is to move away all other expressions of »sickness«. When the flow stops moving in you, you need to find back to the source. And let the source do the rest. The source is in you. You can find her by letting go of the controlling thoughts, that gel the flow of your life into rigid forms. That feels like letting go of yourself − as we tend to get mixed up about what is myself and what is the thought about myself.