Christhard Baller − Who has invented Soulresponding
He is a healing practitioner, practicing family constellations, a coach and a healer. He has developed
Soulresponding in the course of 15 years of research. His main coach was his own life, which has gifted
him with a special doses of sensitivity for any kind of energies, thus making him rather incompatible
for normal academic training methods. It's not due to lack of trying − in his medical studies he
did not find the answers to the questions that were really important to him. Thus he started dealing with
alternative healing methods, was looking for the place in life that would suite him and found one in
Peru/South America that corresponded − hoping that qualities would be requested there, that are not
considered appropriate here. He found his challenges/ Waterloo. During his 13 years of working as a
healing practitioner in extremely challenging conditions, he was constantly forced to dare the impossible
and to find ways that are not indicated on any medical map. He was confronted with seriously ill patients
without any means of basis medical treatment; and with people that had experienced spiritual, social and
soulful blockages that even led to black magical implications. There was nothing there, where he could
base his practice on. So he created his own technique, questioning information from the soul through
radio-esthetical treatments, in order to accompany patients on the only lasting healing path: the path
to self healing, led by your own soul.
This has been his approach even when he came back to Germany in 2005. It became more and more evident
for him to understand the underlying soul-based interaction between the coach and the client and to use
it for the therapeutical process. As a supplementary tool and to help intuition find its way and let vague
feelings find their clear expression, he developed the diagnosis-matrix. If necessary, he will use family
constellations and natural medicines. His main tool became the telephone-coaching. A new approach has
become the coaching of therapists of all ways of life, as Soulresponding allows a very precise
supervision, that finds the 100% goal without aiming.
Today he lives and works with his team and his natural healing practice on the island of Usedom in the East
Sea close to the Polish boarder.